
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Happy birthday to the greatest woman in the WORLD

Yes, those candles are mini champagne bottles. Grammie is the classiest lady of all. 

The Queen is 90! Happiest of birthdays to the most wonderful woman I have ever known- my Grammie. Also known as Anne Ferguson, the most popular woman in all of Tampa, possibly the entire state of Florida. Grammie is the reason for my parent's marriage, not to mention one of the smartest, most interesting people you could ever meet. Honestly- I spent my 21st birthday with her, completely by choice. There is nobody I wanted to get my party on with more than Grammie. She went to NASA space camp, taught in Italy, designed a plane propellor that is now in the Smithsonian, and- she bought me my first lipstick. There is literally nothing she can't do. In honor of her 90 years, here are just a few snippets of wisdom I've learned from Grammie over the years:

1. Never leave the house in dirty underwear. You never know when you're going to be in an accident and you don't want paramedics to have to witness that.

2. If someone is a jerk, kill them with kindness. She once told me "There is nothing worse than someone being nice to you after you're mean to them". 

3. Never cut layers into thin hair. It just looks messy and flat.

4. There is no substitute for real butter.

5. The best part of being old is being able to say whatever you want, and nobody can complain.

6. You can tell more about someone's personality by examining their palm for five minutes than in an hour long conversation.

7. Never stop your education. There is always more to learn. 

8.If the food you cook isn't pretty, it isn't worth eating.

9. Never leave the house without your lipstick on.

10. Join a sorority, and stay involved as an alumnae. 

11. Never, never, EVER forget a thank you note- and stationary matters.

When I am 90, if I can make an impression on half as many people as Grammie has, I will have lived a very meaningful life. Cheers to you, Grammie! I love you more than life itself.

Grammie checking out my best friend Ingrid's palm a few years ago at Christmas

College graduation :)

BFFs since the day I was born

1 comment:

  1. The last picture is beyond adorable! Happy birthday to your grams.
