
Monday, July 22, 2013

Greek Cover Photos & A Giveaway!

A few weeks ago, the sweet Nahal from Greek Cover Photos reached out to me about featuring her site on The Jort Report. Anyone who knows me, knows I have a soft spot for my sorority- there is far too much owl paraphernalia in my apartment- so I was so excited to be introduced to the site. On the site, they create custom Facebook cover photos for tons of different chapters. The photos are super fun and trendy, plus I think it's awesome that a group of college students have been so enterprising (I'm telling ya- we greeks are motivated people)! Let's take a trip down memory lane, shall we?

If you asked some of my sisters from college, they'd probably be surprised to see how involved I am with Kappa, because I was kind of a slacker as an active. My senior year, I got my first "little", G, and my whole sorority experience turned around. I adored her so much that I wanted to be a good "Big" for her. Plus I think I was getting nostalgic since I was graduating.

After I graduated, I became an alumnae advisor of my chapter, volunteered at recruitment, and even chaperoned a formal (I know, I'm a lunatic). I have been far more involved as an alumnae than I ever was in college, and I can honestly say that being in a sorority really is forever- I have met some of my best friends through my sorority. Even though I knew NOBODY when I moved to Atlanta, I had a friend and a job before I even stepped off the plane (thanks for being my first friend in Atlanta and then MOVING, S). 

So anyway, I'm done waxing poetic- but if you're headed into college, or even partway through your collegiate career: GO GREEK. It's worth it. 

That brings us to THE GIVEAWAY. Greek Cover Photos has generously offered to design a custom cover photo for one Jort Report reader- all you have to do is enter via the Rafflecopter widget below. The contest will run until July 25th at midnight. Good luck!


  1. I'm proud to be a Kappa! I'm so grateful that serving the fraternity has brought us together :)

    p.s. Get excited for your Kappa color themed birthday package arriving this week!

  2. You are carrying on the KKG tradition in the A :) So glad for that...
