
Friday, July 26, 2013

5 On (Finally) Friday!

Happy, happy Friday! I could not be more excited that it's Friday. I cannot wait to sleep in tomorrow and do some serious pool time (in the shade, under a long sleeved shirt, gigantic Marley Lilly sun hat, and SPF 100 because that's how I roll).  Today I'm linking up with some great ladies for 5 On Friday!

1.This weekend I am so, so excited to celebrate the engagement of my former roomie, L, and her man K.  If you ever need an example (besides myself) that long distance relationships work out, these two are your go-to. Don't they kind of make you want to vom a little with how cute they are?

2. I am obsessing over the new Magna Carta Holy Grail album by Jay-Z. I know a lot of critics have been haters, but I love Jay-Z and I think it's awesome. I can't stop listening to this song!

3. As a red blooded female, I obviously had to hit up the Nordstrom anniversary sale this week with my pal M. We are terrible shopping buddies because neither of us will be like, "No, you don't need it".  But also we're great shopping buddies because we both have great taste, obviously. Here are the gems I picked up:

If you hurry,  you can still grab these at great prices before August 5th!

4. This is honestly the best ichat convo I've had all week. I'm still laughing about it:

5. We have gotten SO MUCH RAIN in Georgia this summer. It's supposed to be a little nicer this weekend, so cross your fingers for some actual weekend sunshine!

Have a great weekend everybody!


  1. I love that top! I love when people share what they find at the Nordstrom sale because I always miss something!
