As you all know, music is everything to me. I've said many times I'd rather be blind than deaf- I could survive without sight. I can imagine visuals. But sound? What is the world without music? And my second favorite thing, once again, that you're all well aware of: the internet/technology.
Today I came across Paul Lamere's blog "Music Machinery" which is a COMPLETE gem, full of all things awesome: analytics, music, mocking of Arizona. He has done several studies on how certain demographics like gender and age can alter musical preferences. The most interesting to me, is below- a state by state guide to the US populations musical leanings (per Spotify records). Check out the map below:
Per the blog, this map is NOT based exactly upon the most popular artist in each state, because otherwise we'd have a sea of Jay-Z (because duh, Jay and Bey= US ROYALTY). Rather, the list is based off of which unique group is disproportionally popular in that state. Take Virginia, for example:
Ew, you guys. Expand your horizons. But seriously, since good old Dave (barf) is from VA, naturally everyone in the state thinks DMB is the greatest. The fact that my favorite band is from Idaho is not related. Ok, yes it is. But anyway. I found it interesting that Teagan and Sarah are so loved in Idaho. Lesbian indie pop in such a red state? You go, Idaho. (No, Udaho!) I don't love the Teags, myself, so it feels appropriate to have moved away. I always said I'd pick Seattle over Portland, but this map is making me rethink because DEAR GOD, Kurt Vile is exponentially better than (ugh) The Head & The Heart. What really jumped out at me though, per usual, was the quality of Illinois, (which you can bet is based overwhelmingly on Chicago):
Sufjan is my jam. I'm also very proud of Georgia, for going with Future. My new home is slowly growing on me. And finally- thank you for justifying my dislike of Ohio. Florida Georgia Line? I don't even need to comment. I think we're done here.
What do you think of the map? Is your state crazy? (LOOKING AT YOU, LINKIN PARK).
I am from VA. I do not think that DMB is the greatest. #rebel