
Monday, December 16, 2013

Monday BeyoncéMantras

Let's all take a moment to talk about something incredibly important right now: Beyoncé. I mean, my entire Friday was shot by listening to the new album 47 thousand times in a row and I'm STILL DOING IT. Why is Beyoncé the greatest? I mean, she is the Kate Middleton of the US BUT BETTER. She's Queen Bey, duh. There are few people wiser than Beyoncé, so we're going to go ahead and dedicate this day to the greatest quotes that have ever been spoken: Beyoncé Knowles Carter edition.

all images via Pinterest. Follow me here

1 comment:

  1. I've been obsessed with her album and am currently listening to it as I type this right now lol. Now, I'll admit that she's not blowing me away with her quotes lol, but when it comes to looking amazeballs and slaying folks with her voice... she wins! Her album is everything. The perfect gift to us all.
