
Thursday, September 12, 2013

The Self Portrait Taken Completely Out Of Context

So the first thing I think of when I think "self portrait" is this:

or this:

But who wants to read a blog post filled exclusively with pictures of myself?


So when I came across today's prompt, (Friday, September 13: A self portrait) I decided that, rather than a bunch of pics of me, I'd post images of things I love, or things about me. 

1. My parents are my favorite people on the planet and I talk to them way more than is normal. Which I'm fine with.

2. Duh, I love Beyonce, and I love all things french.

3. I'm obsessed with cats. Whenever I go home and get to visit my beloved kitty Scooter, I treat him in the same manner as above. Needless to say, he runs away as soon as he sees me.

4. I hate pumpkin flavored things. I think Pumpkin Spice Lattes are the most offensive thing to come out of Starbucks ever.

5. I'm kind of a stalker though. An internet stalker, at least. And I really do have a ridiculous memory.

6. I love Winnie the Pooh, and I am a proponent of the Long Distance Relationship. Duh.

7. I like animals more than I like people.

8. I'm late to everything, but I always have mascara on.

9. The OC will always and forever be the greatest television show of all time. I worked for Oprah, therefore I'm allowed to make these sweeping generalizations about TV. 

10. I love Idaho and everything about it, minus all of the conservative nutjobs in the south.

11. I have serious anxiety issues. My fingernails are always nubs.

12. Jim Henson. Enough said.

13. I have a nail polish (and a Ryan Gosling) addiction.

14. I have a guinea pig who has more outfits than J does.

15. I can be a little sassy. 

16. This is the truest of everything on the list. There is nothing I love more than sleeping. I love naps.

And there you have it: a brief portrait of me, as told by internet memes. Happy Friday the 13th everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Love your self-portrait, particularly numbers 1, 2(!!), 5, 7, 9 (Oprah!?! dying!), 11, 13, 15, and 16! Too funny! Happy Friday!
