So, more disgusted than afraid, but oh well
- Driving. I hate it. Hate. So passionately. This is my NUMBER ONE problem with Atlanta. I hate cars, I hate insurance, I hate paying for gas. I would literally let ANYONE else drive so I don't have to. Lindsey Lohan? Sure. Why not. As long as it's not me. I never thought I'd say it, but I miss the CTA every single day of my life.
- Loud noises. Yesterday BF yelled during the Bulls game, and I almost had a heart attack. I literally jumped off the couch.
- Medical procedures. I had an endoscopy two years ago, which is basically the least invasive thing ever, and I was sobbing as I was being wheeled into the hospital room. I'm having major surgery at the end of this month, and I'm trying really hard to just not think about it.
- Rejection. In all honesty, this is probably my biggest fear. I worry SO MUCH what other people think, and I'm not sure why. There are plenty of people I look at with scorn every day. I am constantly wondering why the fuck someone would put on the outfit they're wearing, or why ANYONE could possibly listen to Dave Matthews without wanting to punch something. And yet, if those same people don't like me, I get upset. I really need to improve my "not giving a shit" skills.
- Failure. This is a big struggle for me with work currently. New jobs are exciting, but the initial few months of figuring out how everything works is really stressful. I am a control freak, and when I don't know and understand everything that is going on, I get overwhelmed.
- Being Home Alone. I lived alone for a year, and it was never a problem. Suddenly, everytime BF is in Nashville or something for work, every sound is someone coming to kill me. Especially when I'm in the shower.
- Cockroaches. This needs no explanation. Those little fuckers are absolutely terrifying. THEY'RE SO FAST. AND DIRTY. AND THEY NEVER DIE.
Little bastards.
Is anyone else as crazy as I am? What scares you?
I am a worry wort myself--rejection & failure top my list but man, birds and windchimes also make me scream/cringe! I miss you :)