
Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Mercury Retrograde,That's Enough: An ode in GIFS

So you know when you have those weeks where everything goes laughably wrong? You fall asleep before takeoff on a two hour flight. Wake up 90 minutes later- and you're still on the tarmac. And there's obviously a crying kid next to you. And the plane is a maximum of 45 degrees. Oh, and you're wearing sandals because outside it's 95 degrees. 
And then you're trying to have a discussion with a client, and your phone is going apesh!t due to the most epic email thread of all time wherein 15 girls plan out the very important task of who is bringing the chips and dip to the pool in three weeks. And after that you get to return to the hospital for more tests, and oh yeah, at some point you might get to sleep, but when your head hits the pillow all you can think about is why the heck did I think it was a good idea to move to the south again?!
And then you remember: Mercury is in retrograde. Again. It's not just you who's experiencing these shenanigans. It's everyone. Especially the cancers of the world. I feel for you, fellow crabs (shoutout to you especially, Ishea)! And I know you're all rolling your eyes like, yeah. Sure. Because that's a thing. But let me tell you, friends. IT'S A THING. Read it. Own it. Live it. Astrology is more real than you could ever know- so embrace it. Yep- things are going to be annoying until July 1. But don't you already feel better, knowing that? You can emotionally prepare. 

So today, when someone's all "hey, buy this overpriced outfit!" You know exactly what to say to them:
And when you feel like everything is falling down around you, and you kind of want to crawl to your couch and watch every season of the OC in succession, INCLUDING SEASON 4, before you venture forth into the world again, you can remember these wise words:
And if that doesn't work for you, take yourself to the bathroom, look in the mirror, ignore the horrific fluorescent lights and realize that you're 100% more attractive than they're making you appear, do some ojai yoga breaths, and when the time comes to release your breath and fire into the world, I suggest you release this instead:
Namaste, bitches. It's time to kick Mercury right back into it's normal orbit. 

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