Several things around the internet have been tickling my fancy today. A big shoutout to my amazing friends Lindsey and PK for sharing this awesomeness with me:
1. Tiny Hamsters Eating Tiny Burritos
There is just no way that anything is better than this.
2. Le chat v le verre par
You can't not watch this like, six times in a row
3. Al Sharpton v. Teleprompter
Siganore Weaver. Rush Limbag. Rush Lombard. Rush LIMBARG.
Also, I'm unsure of what the Environmental Projection Agency is, but I assume it involves movies so I'd like to be a part of this. Hey government, look me up.
And now you may carry on with your day.
Oh my god this Al Sharpton video is fantastic.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing, Julie. Those hamsters are hilarious!