
Sunday, February 9, 2014

Sunday Social POP CULTURE YO

Sunday Social

WHATUP SUNDAY.  It is SUPER nice outside. Like 60 degrees nice. I'm about to take a nice walk with my friend Julie (how bomb is that name?) and by walk I mean drink bloody marys on a patio. 

It's been awhile since I've done a Sunday Social linkup, and since today's questions are all favorite movies and tv (aka everything I love) I figured I'd jump right back on this bandwagon.

1. What is your favorite thing to watch on a girls night?
I can't really with this question,  because I don't really have girls nights. It's more like Mal
and I, eating queso and drinking wine watching terrible on demand horror movies or catching up on that week's awful TV shows like PLL- ITS SO BAD BUT SO GOOD. The hashtags especially make it worthwhile #EzraIsA #Ariafindsout #aliisalive #thisshowisawful #whatishannawearing

2. What is your favorite thing to watch on your day off?
Most of my media consumption is during the week, like whilst getting ready for work or procrastinating going to yoga or whatever at night. In that case, whatever I happen to be binge watching on Netflix at that point in time- currently Parks & Recreation. #Ben&Leslie4Eva

3. What is your favorite thing to watch when you're sick?
The inside of my eyelids. See what I did there?

4. What is the last movie you saw in the theater?
Hunger Games: Catching Fire. Caught the slow boat on this one but my friend R and I finally hit it up a few weeks ago. Obviously it was good.  That outfit alone, combined with the baboons, made the movie worthwhile.

5. What are your top three favorite movies or tv shows?
Battleship Potempkin, Rashomon, and Wild Strawberries. Just kidding. The answer is The OC, The OC, and The OC. Or really, anything created by Josh Schwartz and/or Wes Anderson.

Anyway. You know the drill. Link up at and have a lovely start to your week. Peace out, frands. 


  1. I just started watching PPL about a month ago and caught up to this season. It's such terrible tv, but ti's so good.. It reminds of how I felt about Secret Life of An American Teenager back in the day. It's such bad acting and even plot, but it's like a train wreck--you can't look away.

    1. Usually I'm pretty faithful to all ABC Family shows, but I couldn't with that one. I made it through a season. They have a couple of just terrible looking things out right now. I'm so pissed they cancelled the Lying Game and then allowed J Lo to produce things...

  2. It was a random weekend last spring when I was holed up in the house and discovered PLL. I ended up watching the entire first season in a few days and my boyfriend said it was making me more emo than usual lol... which is pretty alarming since I tend to walk around at a level 8 (out of 10) on the emo scale. But yeah, I need a good's girl's night. I haven't really had a girl's night in since moving to Seattle. My boyfriend is headed out of town for a conference soon, so I might use those days to have my own solo night in... enjoy snacks, tv, etc.

    1. My friend Kelley told me to watch it like two years ago and I just binge watched for like a month. It was pathetic. It's SO BAD but I can't stop. Aria's outfits just keep me coming back for more. And I'm with you on the emo scale girlfriend. Moving is an adventure, but it sure blows when you know approximately two people :(.
