
Monday, February 24, 2014

Monday Mantra: #100daysofhappy

Have y'all seen the #100daysofhappy hashtag that's been floating around the internets for the past few weeks? I came across it this weekend and was immediately intrigued. As most of you know, I have serious anxiety issues, especially when I'm thinking about the future. I spent a LONG time following someone else around because I didn't want to have to make decisions for myself. Slowly (very...very...slowly) I am starting to feel comfortable making my own decisions again, and I thought that this was the PERFECT mantra for awhile. The next 100 days to be specific. 

I came across this definition awhile ago, and would like to shake hands with the individual who superimposed it over the GREATEST PICTURE OF ALL TIME. I actually need to find a print of this, so I can hang it in my apartment. Minus the quote, I just need a life size Jim Henson for my apartment. Or my own personal Muppet... Anyway, this is such a perfect word for me. When I'm powering through a really good book, I get increasingly sad as the pages left get less and less. Finishing a good book is like Christmas ending. I hate when it's over. Plus, this whole "one year in Atlanta" thing has been weirding me out a lot. Events I went to last year are happening again and it feels weird that they're not "new" anymore. It's almost like I'm sad that Atlanta is no longer new to me. 

Perfection. Ocean, music, art. All of these things I love, and in one photo. Meh on the Shakespeare,  though. He's no Jim Henson.

And finally- the song of the week. If you're friends with me on Spotify (@julieloven if you're interested!) you will see that I have a problem with this song. It's so peppy and awesome. Minorly offensive, some lose some. This song is the official kickoff anthem of #100daysOfHappy.

Happy Monday all! Here's to a great week!

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