I am the world's bestest blogger. JK I'm moving/packing up my life this week so I have had approximately zero time to do anything besides work/pack boxes/throw things away. I am irrationally annoyed at how far the trash chute is from my apartment at this moment. Also that I am out of trash bags. Who runs out of trash bags? I am not a grownup.
1. This looks fun doesn't it? But you know, on to the new chapter. Thank goodness. In the words of Home Depot: #LETSDOTHIS
2. Finally reunited with this little brat this week. I have like 47 scratches on my feet. He's lucky he's so freaking cute.
3. I miss home! Idaho is the best place EVER.
4. This is an incredible piece of artwork I came across on the internets this week:
5. OH MY GOD THIS IS REAL- this should probably be a post of its own, but LA Designers Stella & Bow have begun a pre-sale for their Mean Girls inspired jewelry line. I think we all know I must have the Regina (below) in gold- seeing as my wifi username/go to trivia team name is YOUCANTSITWITHUS:
Happy Friday! Link up and show your random thoughts.
Hahaha - that kanYE (kardashian pronunciation) is pure gold. If only I could figure out how to make it my desktop background. Have a great weekend!