
Friday, October 11, 2013

5 On Friday: Depressing Edition

It's been a rough one in Atlanta this week. Sad happenings for my favorite people, sad happenings in the government, the world, life. It's a very melancholy Friday, what can I say? This 5 on Friday is dedicated to some songs that give me the sads: 

1. I hate musicals. Hate them. 20 minutes into "Les Miserables" my friend Peter and I looked at each other like, "Wait so....there's no talking AT ALL?" It was a painful 3.5 hours for me. So when Glee became a thing, I was NOT on board. I didn't see High School Musical, and isn't this basically the TV version? Until I got strep throat one Christmas Day. I sat in bed with Netflix, and watched like three seasons of Glee in a period of mere days. Ok, I skipped most of the songs (except the Britney and Fleetwood Mac episodes because, duh). So by the time everyone was over Glee, I was just jumping on board. I think I might be the only person who still watches Glee. So of course I saw this video this morning and immediately had some allergies at my desk (GET IT I WAS CRYING JEEZ). But serious question, when the love of your life dies, how do you sing about it, and not just hide in a corner with a stuffed sheep rocking back and forth? Even though I hate her bangs, I can't even hate on Lea Michelle because this is the most depressing thing ever. 

2. Could anyone make an accurate list of "Drinking and Crying" songs without Bon Iver? I could probably just go ahead and make a list of the most depressing Bon Iver songs, and it would be at least 10. But this cover is particularly depressing:


3. Yet another band that can't be exempt from the saddest songs ever list: The Smiths. I think they used this song on the Perks of Being a Wallflower soundtrack, which makes it doubly depressing. One of my favorite books (yes, I'm a child of the 90s), the movie killed me. I spent the entire time on the edge of my seat trying not to cry.

4. Beach House deserves a place on every list. Good songs, amazing songs, sad songs, Beach House is the greatest. 

5.  More sads from Sufjan. I love me some Sufjan. For the Widows in Paradise, for the Fatherless Sons in Ypsilanti. Even the name is emo.

6. And because I can't possibly NOT include my boy Elliot, we're doing a #6 today Five on Friday. I've probably posted this song before, but it might actually be the most gut wrenching song ever so it deserves a spot again. 

So here's to hoping for a weekend filled with sunshine and happiness and a cake made of rainbows and unicorns to erase this week. 


  1. How can you hate musicals so much, when you love music more then anyone I know?

  2. You better find yourself some sunshine, happiness, unicorns and lots of rainbow cake...maybe you better call for Andrea to make you her special coconut cake that eve you can eat.....

  3. So listening to Lea definitely made my eyes water up a bit! Very sad... thanks for making me emo lol
