
Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Well, BF is going to hate this. Good thing he doesn't read my blog!
Today I'm linking up with April from A.Liz Adventures for a story about LOVE. 

{1} Describe your dating life prior to finding your husband/boyfriend/fiance
My dating life prior to BF was pretty standard.  Absolutely terrible high school boyfriend that my brothers still want to beat the shit out of. Great college boyfriend, but we grew apart. I have never been a "dates" girl, and have always started relationships by being friends first.  Except when I met BF, I immediately decided he would be my next BF/future life partner, because he was hot and tall. So those are clearly the only reasons I like him. 

{2} Describe your husband/boyfriend/fiance in one word. How would he describe you in one word?
BF- Witty
Me- Smart
{3} You had a really silly fight. Embarrassing silly. What was it about?
Whether or not the parents on Toddlers & Tiaras are terrible people for letting their children get involved in pageants.  It escalated into a fight with him saying he'd never let our children do that, and me yelling about how we need to let our children be themselves. Also we don't have children, nor do we want them (at this point). 

{4} In three sentences (and only three!), describe where you both hope to be in 5 years
Him: Rich. Owning a sweet house and a dog. Me: Married with a cat, still working in advertising, hopefully living in Chicago again. 

{5} Tell us something about your husband/boyfriend/fiance we wouldn't know from reading your blog
He is the funniest person in the world, and takes better care of me than anyone possibly could. Also, he is the greatest. I don't talk about him much because he doesn't like to be on the internet, so there's a lot you wouldn't know about him from reading this blog. 

{6} What's one thing you never thought you'd do in front of your husband/boyfriend/fiance, but you did?
Vomit. And I've done it more than once. Oops. 


  1. I just found you from the L-O-V-E link blog name ever!

  2. Okay, the Toddlers and Tiaras fight is cracking me UP! Ya'll are hilarious!
